Creating items for 維薩吉
Below you'll find technical information necessary to create a valid item for 維薩吉.

維薩吉 bio


Model and texture files

Use the hero model to see your item in context. Download 維薩吉 model

Item slots and their budgets

  • LoD0 Triangle Limit: 3000
  • LoD1 Triangle Limit: 1200
  • Texture Size: 512H x 512W
  • LoD0 Triangle Limit: 7000
  • LoD1 Triangle Limit: 2800
  • Texture Size: 512H x 512W
  • LoD0 Triangle Limit: 4000
  • LoD1 Triangle Limit: 2000
  • Texture Size: 512H x 512W
  • To support animation layering, Familiars can only use Valve's default skeleton, joint positions and animations. There is no option to create custom animations or skeletons. Attack animations may not play correctly in-game through the workshop tool but Valve will enable these if the item ships.