Creating items for 大地之靈
Below you'll find technical information necessary to create a valid item for 大地之靈.
大地之靈 bio
Model and texture files
Item slots and their budgets
- LoD0 Triangle Limit: 3000
- LoD1 Triangle Limit: 1200
- Texture Size: 512H x 512W
- LoD0 Triangle Limit: 2500
- LoD1 Triangle Limit: 1000
- Texture Size: 256H x 512W
- LoD0 Triangle Limit: 1500
- LoD1 Triangle Limit: 600
- Texture Size: 256H x 256W
- LoD0 Triangle Limit: 2500
- LoD1 Triangle Limit: 1000
- Texture Size: 256H x 256W
- All weapon meshes must match the orientation of the default staff, completely separated in the middle of the staff and skinned to the two separate staff joints, LwrWeapon0_JNT and UprWeapon0_JNT
- LoD0 Triangle Limit: 2500
- LoD1 Triangle Limit: 1400
- Texture Size: 256H x 256W
Stone Summons (Ability 4)
- LoD0 Triangle Limit: 3000
- LoD1 Triangle Limit: 3000
- Texture Size: 512H x 512W
- Each Stone Summons, up to 7 total, must be submitted separately. They all must use the same vmat and must be skinned to a joint called root.