For aeons beyond count, the stars above coalesced their energy, each in time bursting forth the cataclysmic fires of supernova to mark the sky with stellar progeny. By this ageless crucible the star called Phoenix collapsed into being. Over long cycles this conscious light inquired and studied, and through chance learned of an enduring conflict of cosmic consequence. Thus an infant son of suns has taken terrestrial form, eager to shine its warmth wherever events seem their darkest.
Icarus Dive - Swoop forward in a fierce arc, slowing and damaging all enemies in your path.
Fire Spirits - Spend health to summon spirits which can be launched at your foes to burn them over time.
Sun Ray - Sacrifice vitality to blast your enemies, and heal your allies, with a beam of searing light.
Supernova - Become a core of fusing energy that burns nearby enemies which, if allowed to detonate, will stun foes and renew your strength.