Do you fear death? A guide to Necro'lic, the Visage

by Apok

Item Build

Starting Items
Early Game
Core Items

Situational Items
Jewels of the Underscape

Ability Build

Grave Chill


Soul Assumption


Gravekeeper's Cloak


Summon Familiars


Talent Tree

-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s Grave Chill Cooldown

+{s:bonus_bonus_damage} Visage and Familiars Attack Damage

+{s:bonus_chill_duration}s Grave Chill Duration

Soul Assumption Hits {s:value} Targets

+{s:bonus_soul_charge_damage} Soul Assumption Damage Per Charge

+{s:bonus_armor_reduction_per_hit} Armor Corruption to Visage and Familiars

Gravekeeper's Cloak grants +{s:value} Armor

+{s:bonus_familiar_count} Familiar

Author's Ability Notes

The movement speed reduction makes this a great ganking tool, and the Movement Speed gain makes this a great escape tool as well.
I get this skill first against visage so i can sustain harassment. If you havent learned yet, Visage starts off with ZERO (0) armor.
This is usually why i play Visage as a Mid hero, because with an early level 6 Visage gets a MASSIVE damage bonus and double stun.

Author's Item Notes

Starting Items

When playing Visage as a Support or a Mid Semi-Carry, you will tend to stay on the highground/near the tower and therefore wont need that much regen considering how your attack animation is perfect for harassing and faking last hits.
Build into a magic wand if your up against a spellcaster(s).

Early Game

Visage has a decent movement speed and his Grave Chill gives him a nice boost, but if you don't get boots on any hero, there must be no god.
Headress works well with Visages Gravekeepers Cloak, they add to his survivability. This will also build into one of the core items, Mekansm.
The buckler is usually the last item i get before leaving mid to gank, that's when i usually get some assists or kills and potentially some towers that can help me get an early Mekansm.

Core Items

Commonly a lot of players tend to get treads on Visage, thats a good choice, but considering that Visage is known for spamming Soul Assumption, Arcane Boots gives you enough Mana to cast a Nuke when you happen to run out of mana.
This Item is a core item on Visage because the Active Regen and Armor applies to Visages Familiars and is perfect for the team overall.
If you pass this on Visage, it's not good at all. When you see the damage that 2 of your Familiars can do, Imagine the Power of 3. You'll literally wipe the floor with free kills and Triple Stuns.
In the Pro scene this item has been common lately and it is a good choice, the Mana regen is perfect for Visage, and so is the Bonus health.

Situational Items

Depending on escape mechanisms that the enemy might have Drums isn't a bad idea. Also the Attack Speed allows you to land a few more autoattacks to get Soul Charges.
Any Silence is a Good Silence. No exception on Visage. The combo would be Orchid > Grave Chill > Familiar Damage and Your Attacks > Soul Assumption.
If your getting Targeted a lot or if the Enemy has wards up and there is a situation where your team might not be able to counterward , this tool makes ganking supreme on Visage.