
Starting items
Early game

Core items
Situational items

Extension items
Luxury items




Magnetic Field


Spark Wraith


Tempest Double




Flux ระยะร่าย +{s:bonus_AbilityCastRange} หน่วย

พลังชีวิต +{s:value} หน่วย

Flux ระยะเวลา +{s:bonus_duration} วินาที

Magnetic Field ความเร็วในการโจมตี/ความเสียหายเวทมนตร์ +{s:bonus_attack_speed_bonus} หน่วย

+{s:bonus_spark_damage_base}% Spark Wraith Damage

Magnetic Field คูลดาวน์ -{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown} วินาที

Tempest Double ไม่มีระยะสูญเสียพลังโจมตี

ร่าง Tempest Double ได้รับอัตราลดคูลดาวน์ +{s:bonus_tempest_double_cooldown_reduction}%


A great initiating ability. Use this on straggling junglers or solo foes caught away from their party. Works on enemies who are in the back of fights: 1. Flux an enemy, use Tempest Double to double Flux them. 2. Cast Spark Wraith twice towards their fleeing direction 3. Drop down Magnetic Field when in attack-range and save your second Tempest's Magnetic Field to chain cast it
Rely on Magnetic Field to help farm more quickly but, more importantly, to protect yourself against ranged heroes that will cause them their attacks. If youre playing against gap-closers like Storm Spirit, you can use Magnetic Field to push them out briefly so you can target them down.
Use Spark Wraith to zone an enemy if enemy tries to get them or to follow-up after using Flux as an initiating ability. Spark Wraith can stack on one location, giving a potential to burst an opponent such as rune spawns or near Roshan. Can hit invisibile units and great for farming Jungle Camps.
Utilizing your Tempest Double is important: 1. Extend the duration of Magnetic Field by casting them consecutively or simultaneously to help yourself and allies. 2. Spam more Spark Wraiths in one location with your Doubles cast, such as on Jungle camps 3. Increase the damage and slow of Flux by casting them on top of each other on a ganked enemy. 4. Replicate the item usage. Use Tempest Double to split-push and farm lanes. You can cast it ahead of you to get the jump on an enemy and start a gank.


Starting items

Iron Branch can be placed on the ground to then be consumed by your tangos for additional healing. We buy multiple

Early game

Your goal early-on is to snag last hits to get Bottle before the two-minute rune comes up. You rely on Bottle to spam abilities that either harasses your opponent, secures the ranged creep with an ability or to eventually gank when you can activate the rune whenever you want to start roaming to other lanes.
An early Hand of Midas means double the use with your ultimate: Tempest Double. Be sure to use this to improve your gold farming and your experience (so large Jungle camps preferably). Hand of Midas is how you snowball for your other items.
Opt for Magic Stick early if the enemy spam a lot of spells or you’ll be in the lane significantly. Magic Wand can be bought as early as before Boots of Speed or as late as after your core Boots upgrade depending on how the enemy and their spell usage. Magic Wand can also be bought to make room for other items due to limited space.

Core items

Maelstrom and Tempest Double means increased farm as the Chain Lightning clears waves of creep very fast. To add, Maelstrom is a nice mix-up of damage against enemies that have high armor as the damage you’re dealing with Chain Lightning is magical.
Boots of Travel compensates for Arc Wardens movement speed but also permits your Tempest Double to farm elsewhere on the map safely and to quickly push back waves to keep the game on the offensive and to double-up your farm uncontested.
Gleipnir is your opening ability to ensnare enemies lay down double the Spark Wraiths and Fluxs on enemies before dealing physical damage with Magnetic Field. Dont forget your Tempest Double also has Gleipnir, so double the damage from casting it and root duration.
With Arc Warden, your positioning is key to gank enemies or ensure you jump into a fight when you know you wont be targeted or initiated on. As the game goes on, your disables and need to spam your abilities will require your injection into a fight to be precise and immediate - this is where Blink Dagger comes in.
The lower cooldown on your items and abilities means you can spam a lot more abilities with your Tempest Double as well as being able to summon your Tempest Double more regularly.
Arc Wardens incredible range with Spark Wraith as well as his Tempest Double means any team-fight works in your favour given the amount of damage output you can guarantee and interrupting as well as slowing the enemy. The longer a fight occurs, the more your Spark Wraith will output massive damage without any risk to you or your Double.

Situational items

The appeal for Aghs Shard revolves around the idea on mitigating heroes that attack into your Magnetic Field and ultimately you want to slow output versus yours. In addition, it benefits a larger AoE to give you more range to attack from afar as well as buffing your ranged teammates and Arc Warden Double.
You may need Black King Bar if you get targeted heavily by heroes that can jump towards you Storm Spirit. Use this also on the Tempest Double as his use will not lower the duration count.

Extension items

Yasha and Kaya furthers your output in physical attack, magical spell spam and movement speed to give Arc Warden even more of what he excels at.
Scythe of Vyse can be necessary for especially tanky enemies that need to be disabled. Its great for Arc Warden who can cast it twice thanks to his Tempest Double, extending the Hex duration.
Arc Warden and his Tempest Double deal huge magical damage, from afar, with massive attack speed thanks to Bloodthorn and Magnetic Field. Not only is the enemy taking range attack damage but is also unable to escape from your reach and your Spark Wraith and Flux incur even more output thanks to Soul Rend.

Luxury items

Ethereal Blade is a great nuking component as an addition to your abilities. With Arc Warden, that output is doubled and the nuking capabilities of Ether Blast is even more potent. To add, it can also be used defensively to either disable physical carries from attacking or save an ally from being targeted by physical attacks.
Dagon with Tempest Double means youre outputting even more pure nuking magic damage that can finish off most enemies combined with the rest of your arsenal. Works great in combination with Ethereal Blade.


Silver Edge allows you to initiate on enemies either with your Tempest Double alone or together as a team with your Tempest Double for double the bonus physical damage. Cast Flux then Spark Wraith, then Magnetic Field with your Tempest Double immediately after to burst opponents down.
Mjollnirs active can be applied on both yourself and the Double; making any damage you receive even more reciprocated. Incredible attack speed with the Chain Lightning effects means an easy fight for Arc Warden and his Tempest Double.
If an enemy somehow gets too close to you and your Tempest Double, cast Hurricane Pike to push them away. Even greater if you can cast Flux on them, making their attempt to catch you even harder. Rely on Magnetic Field to force opponents to get close to you before using Hurricane Pike.
Butterfly not only adds to your armour via your specialized attribute (AGI), but it also allows you to dodge attacks.
MKB means that your physical damage output is also combined with bonus magical damage, causing opponents who have high armor but low health to take significantly more damage than they planned late-game.
Aghanim's Scepter can be useful late-game when you need certain runes like the Double Damage rune, Illusion Rune or Haste even for key situations. Not recommended to have Agh's in an entire slot but rather when you can afford it as a consumable.
Early Agility will help you last-hit and give you some survivability against physical harassment with its armor gain (from AGI).
Arc Warden shoots for the late-game and his Double improves with attributes and attack speed. Additionally, the items that Arc Warden typically builds have a % chance of causing additional damage or effects, justifying further into buying Power Treads over other boots.
With Satanic, you have sufficient damage output but need to remain in fights. Satanic gives you more survivability and works great to capitalize on the damage youre dealing to extend fights long enough for you to win them.
Eye of Skadi is great at the end-game to take down high health targets and also prevent enemies from fleeing with your slow. It provides stats across the board providing everything a carry needs to cap the game to a win.
Nullifier is a key item for you late-game: it slows your target and dispels them. Especially useful against enemies that rely on key passive abilities or items like Ghost Scepter, Euls, Glimmer, Satanic or Aeon Disk to have them disabled and nullified against you. Hero passive abilities like Windranger Windrun and Monkey Kings Jingu Mastery are also nullified by Nullifier.
With Arc Warden and Tempest Double, it means you are dealing double the nuke damage with Arctic Blast making this an incredible offensive item that allows Arc Warden to fight enemies head-on and overwhelm fights with physical and magical attacks.
Revnant's Brooch capitalizes on your natural physical damage output and your strong intelligence gain given youre building a lot of magic output with this build. Works in combination with your Ethereal Blade meaning theres no rest from the damage your enemy will be taking.
Aether Lens means you can initiate from further away with Flux and land some Spark Wraiths from fleeing enemies or an enemys escape path.
Rely on Manta Style and your Doubles Manta Style with Magnetic Field to farm incredibly fast, output massive damage and make it impossible for the enemy team to engage you without taking huge losses. Also a great item to help dispel debuffs.