Referencia de objetos

Objetos iniciales
Fase temprana

Shotgun - Core
DPS - Core


Referencia de habilidades

Forma de Ola


Golpe Adaptativo (Agilidad)

Golpe Adaptativo (Fuerza)

Cambio de Atributo (Aumento de Fuerza)




Árbol de talentos

+{s:value} % de resistencia mágica

+{s:bonus_AbilityCastRange} de alcance para Forma de Ola

+{s:value} s de duración para Transformación

+{s:value} de agilidad

Forma de Ola daña a los objetivos

+{s:bonus_stun_max} s de duración del aturdimiento para Golpe Adaptativo

-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown} % de tiempo de recarga para Forma de Ola

+{s:value} de fuerza

Notas del autor sobre las habilidades

Great nuke and escape. Should be maxed first, since it offers great damage and kill potential.
I like to get morph first and morph to agility until I have 400-450 HP, since it offers me a bit more last hitting damage.
I like to get morph first and morph to agility until I have 400-450 HP, since it offers me a bit more last hitting damage.
Good for getting out of sticky situations and splitpushing/farming

Notas del autor sobre los objetos

Objetos iniciales

Since morphling has really low HP you should start with alot of regen. Tangos and a salve should be enough to sustain harassment in lane.
Since morphling has really low HP you should start with alot of regen. Tangos and a salve should be enough to sustain harassment in lane.
The ring of protection helps you to sustain harassment and builds into a Ring of Aquila.
Just gives you some much needed stats for a good price.
Also builds into Aquila, helps with last-hitting too.

Fase temprana

I like to go for brown boots before finishing the Aquila, since Morphling is really slow and hence easy to gank.
The Ring of Aquila is a great item on Morphling. It gives you survivability and mana regen which is crucial on a Morphling. If you're laning with a partner this gives him some armor and mana regen too, so this is an item you should never skip.
If you are getting good farm you can buy a Ring of Health before finishing your power treads, if not just buy it after finishing them.
You should leave these on strengh, since he needs ne HP alot. If you are casting a spell, switch to int so you save a bit of mana.

Shotgun - Core

Always get Linkens first, it gives you survivability and saves you when getting ganked. With Linkens and an Replicate sitting on another lane you are safe most of the times. Linkens also gives you nice regen, allowing you to flash farm creeps with your Waveform.
The shotgun build is kinda situational. If their supports are squishy and you can get the shotgun before like 25 minutes its a good choice, just remember you are still squishy. If you want to shotgun a support, send your Replicate somewhere safe, rush in, Waveform, Shotgun, Adaptive Strike and Ult.

DPS - Core

Always go for items with Ultimate Orb in it, since it gives you str and agi. This allows you to morph all agi and still have a decent amount of HP. Manta is a great item, good for farming and getting solo kills.


Skadi is such a great item, giving you awesome teamfight presence and allowing you to rightclick every hero down. Skadi is in my opinion one of the most crucial items giving you awesome stats (lots of HP and damage)
Simply just good for pushing and farming on multiple lanes. Send your Replicate to one lane, and TP to another lane, kill the creeps and take the position of your Replicate.
This one makes you really tanky. You should get this after finishing your core and maybe Skadi, you should be unkillable when you finish this.