



Death Pulse



Heartstopper Aura


Reaper's Scythe


Adottság Fa


+{s:value} Reaper's Scythe varázslási távolság

+{s:bonus_regen_duration} mp Heartstopper Aura példányidőtartam

+{s:bonus_movement_speed}% Ghost Shroud mozgáslassítás

+{s:value} Death Pulse gyógyítás

+{s:bonus_heal_bonus}% Ghost Shroud saját visszatöltődés-erősítés

+{s:bonus_heal_reduction_pct}% Heartstopper Aura töltődéscsökkentés

+{s:bonus_aura_damage}% Heartstopper Aura sebzés

-{s:value} mp Death Pulse újratöltődési idő

A szerző képesség-megjegyzései

This is your heal and your damage-dealer. Be sure to use it often to not only keep your allies alive, but also to catch cripple your foes. Also use it to flash-farm waves of creeps. Killing foes with it will replenish your mana and health and allow you to cast more Death Pulses.
Ghost Shroud is a great way to stay on top of enemies to keep them within your slow, but also to heal your team and flip battles. Be careful as Ghost Shroud also makes you very vulnerable to magic damage, so be sure to itemize appropriately (Infused Drops, Lotus Orb, Blade Mail)
At max level, Heartstopper Aura is incredibly powerful and overlooked by many. At its initial level, it can be enough to prevent some enemies from regenerating their life. During main battles, the longer the fight, the larger the effect this passive ability has.
Don't forget about the stun on this ultimate ability. At about 45% health remaining on an enemy hero, be sure to cast this. Otherwise, the stun lock is also great if you want your team to catch a fleeing enemy.
+{s:value} Death Pulse gyógyítás : 提升太小,没什么用
+{s:bonus_movement_speed}% Ghost Shroud mozgáslassítás : 增加追人逃生的能力
+{s:bonus_aura_damage}% Heartstopper Aura sebzés : 别问,就选这个

A szerző tárgy-megjegyzései


Lotus Orb is an amazing item for Necrophos to use on allies as he heals and continues to wear teams down with his aura. The extra armour, damage and regeneration is also greatly appreciated. Lotus Orb works during Ghost Shroud, baiting enemies into targeting you when you appear the most vulnerable.
Blade Mail is especially good to ward off enemies who take advantage of your weakened magic state when using Ghost Shroud. Be sure to use Blade Mail right after using Ghost Shroud to stay healed, reduce taken magic damage and reflect it back towards enemies.
If you're more of an initatior, Blink Dagger may be important to hit foes and keep them down hard with your ultimate. Traditionally, Necrophos does not need this kind of mobility except with an aggressive line-up.
Heart of Tarrasque makes Necrolyte even tankier and resistant to attacks. Making his aura an even more strong influence and his low-cooldown on his Death Pulse a stronger nuke.


Generally your ultimate is an incredible disable, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with going Scythe of Vyse.

Egyéb tárgyak

Prevent enemies from targeting you faster than you can heal with Ghost Scepter. Your auto-attack is negligible compared to your abilities.
Necrophos is naturally in the midst of battles spreading heals and damage all around him. Mekansm will give the survivability he needs and the heal at key timings to his presence incredibly beneficial.
If your team is already getting Mekansm, go for the Dagon build. Granted, you need to get it fast and upgrade it to level 5 as soon as possible. Once it starts looking like you're not securing any kills, move on to Aghanim's or a better form of initiation such as Blink Dagger/Silver Edge.
If you are snowballing and gaining gold incredibly fast, consider upgrading this through each level. Once you end up not killing enemies with Dagon, move onto other items.
If ahead and in a huge lead, this item can further your viability in-game and the on-command death to heal your allies could be greatly appreciated.
Depending on the enemy's line-up, Crimson Guard can be especially useful to keep fragile magic-users on your team alive for a little bit longer. Definitely an item to consider if your team needs it; however Mekansm should be enough.
While Blink Dagger is especially good for fleeing foes, Silver Edge has its place by disabling passive, doing massive first-hit damage which you can then follow-up with your Q and then your ultimate (and dagon).
Amplify your ultimate and all spells with Ethereal Blade. Though other extension items may be needed, the damage amplified from Ethereal Blade could be better overall if you have the damage to stack it.
Octarine Core is really a late-game decision for Necrophos. The extra mana, health and cooldown reduction on top of the lifesteal allows Necrophos to Trojan Horse his entire team with heals, damage and keep mana afloat to do it all.