Οδηγός αντικειμένων

Starting items
Early game

Core items
Situational items

Extension items
Luxury items

Οδηγός ικανοτήτων











+{s:bonus_AbilityCastRange} βεληνεκές εκτέλεσης Dead Shot


+{s:bonus_damage} ζημιά Dead Shot



Το The Calling κλητεύει {s:bonus_num_revenants} επιπλέον αναστημένους


+{s:value}% μαγική αντίσταση

Σημειώσεις ικανοτήτων συντάκτη

Dead Shot is your harassment tool. You can use it to punish enemies out of position or push them away when they get close for a last-hit. Farming with it is very expensive so heads-up on your mana spend. Try to have the bullet hit the enemy behind the direction you want them to go as theyll be feared and walk towards or away from you depending. Rely on Dead Shot to last-hit range creeps.
The Calling can be used both offfensively and defensively: 1. When a team-fight starts, entrap enemies within your AoE to punish carries with extra attack and movement slow 2. After landing your Dead Shot, place The Calling in the direction they are feared towards 3. If ganked upon and unsure if you can escape, place The Calling on top of you and pop your ultimate to try and fight them
Your effects, like Witch Blade and Daedalus, have a chance of hitting both targets. If theres only one target, Gunslinger will hit both. Also a good book by Stephen King
Heads-up that Pierce The Veil is magical damage, so while you will be auto-attacking, your damage will be magical. Avoid targeting enemies that have Black King Bar as that will render your attack useless and be aware of your positioning as once your ultimate is down, you will be targeted.
Use Parting Shot to lay the damage on the enemy preventing them from fighting back. Definitely position yourself to be able toc ast The Calling and Dead Shot in case you are unable to finish them off during that duration.

Σημειώσεις αντικειμένων συντάκτη

Starting items

Iron Branch can be placed on the ground to then be consumed by your tangos for additional healing. Extra Iron Branches to help with last-hitting and to build Magic Wand

Early game

Opt for Magic Stick early if the enemy spam a lot of spells or you’ll be in the lane significantly. Magic Wand can be bought as early as before Boots of Speed or as late as after your core Boots upgrade depending on how the enemy and their spell usage. Magic Wand can also be bought to make room for other items due to limited space.

Core items

Change the attributes of your Power Threads depending if you need to farm (AGI, more attack speed), fight (STR, more health, to survive longer) or regenerate mana (INT, mana regen.). When using Salve or Clarity, keep your boots on AGI to have a smaller pool of health or mana so more is replenished upon consumption.
Maelstrom, combined with Gunslingers, means you are farming incredibly fast. Please note that Maelstrom has an internal cooldown so you wont be landing double Chain Lightnings with Gunslingers, just increasing your chances of it occurring.
Mjollnir tunes her auto-attack damage to 11 in output and increases the chances of Gunslingers occurring significantly. With Pierce the Veil, your damage is very stron but you dont have the attack speed to take advantage of it. Mjollnir solves that.
Combined with Pierce the Veil, Muerta becomes immune to all sources of damage making this item a centerpiece for the hero.
Rely on Hurricane Pike versus enemies that get the jump on you or better yet, against enemies you want to kite and get distance from. Using Hurricane Pike on a target will push them back farther than they cant reach you and increase your attack speed output. Combined with Blink Dagger, you can blink on an enemy and immediately Hurricane Pike to push yourselves back, guarantee hits on them and maximize your output with the bonus attack speed.

Situational items

Muerta relies on Falcon blade to guarantee last-hits and to replenish her mana. She has high-cost spells with low cooldowns which require her to need consistent mana regeneration to keep her afloat.
After popping your Dead Shot and The Calling, Mask of Madness can be used after Pierce the Veil as a quick mid-game solution for movement speed and attack speed while also increasing your chances of Gunslingers occurring. Evidently also helps you farm incredibly fast and can be disassembled to make other items like Bloodthorn, Satanic or Butterfly
Pop Pierce the Veil before activating your illusions for increased damage for the ultimates duration. The extra movement and attack speed with the intelligence gained from Ultimate Orb make this item worthwhile, especially since it can dispel some disables for you.
Silver Edge is dependent on the enemys line-up. If they have passive abilities that you want to cut off, then Silver Edge will help with that to make them easier to kill (e.g: Bristlebacks passive abilities). Alternatively, if you cant get in close to enemies using Blink Dagger, Silver Edge can be an alternative.

Extension items

The scalability that Aghs Shard offers for Muerta can lead to you more comfortably finishing enemies off incredibly quickly and gives you the opportunity to snowball and take regular fights as opposed to passively farming your necessary items.
Muerta has incredible damage during her ultimate with a high-chance of hitting chance or multple targets with Gunslinger. Moon Shard accelerates the damage output from your ultimates limited duration. Purchasing this earlier means you are dealing one of the highest damage abilities at an incredible rate (and remember, its magic damage so no armor reduction from enemies).
For a hero that relies on her ultimate and Black King Bar, Refresher Orb extends those durations and gives you a wealth of regeneration.
Pierce the Veil does increased magic damage but with Daedalus, you can maximize that damage even further and its all magic, going right through armored heroes.

Luxury items

Monkey King Bar is ideal for heroes who need additional attack speed and versus evasive heroes either via Butterfly, inherent passive abilities or cause you to miss attacks. The Pierce effect also means a mix-up in damage, especially strong against enemies who have high armor (Dragon Knight, AGI carries) that can outlast your physical damage output.
Linkens Sphere is great when you are getting initiated with hard disables that prevent you from breaking out or reacting with BKB. More importantly, it can be necessary versus great initiating or finishing ultimate abilities like Necrophos Reapers Scythe or Legion Commander duel.
Late in the game, Scythe of Vyse solves all your mana issues but more importantly guarantees to lock enemies down before they can even pop BKB. Its a great initiating tool when you know the enemy relies on BKB to safely output their damage.

Άλλα αντικείμενα

Your goal early-on is to snag last hits to get Bottle before the two-minute rune comes up. You rely on Bottle to spam abilities that either harasses your opponent, secures the ranged creep with an ability or to eventually gank when you can activate the rune whenever you want to start roaming to other lanes.
Yasha and Kaya solves a lot of areas that Muerta suffers from: weak attack and movement speed and a low mana-pool. When it also does is enhances her strongest area: her spells. Your auto-attack with Pierce the Veil means you are attacking fast with Yasha and hitting harder with Kaya since the ultimate is magic-damage.
Witch Blade is a great mid-game item that gives everything Muerta likes: attack speed, intelligence and faster projectiles to make her ranged attack better. Combined with Gunslingers, youll be imprinting multiple heroes with the poison slow.
Use Blink Dagger as your positioning tool to reach your target and take them down quickly with Dead Shot, The Calling and Pierce the Veil. Muerta is especially frail so youre relying on Blink Dagger to avoid being initiated on and jumping in the fight where you can freely unload your damage.
Eye of Skadi is great at the end-game to take down high health targets, strong rivaling physical carries by slowing their attack speed and also prevent enemies from fleeing with your movement slow debuff. It provides stats across the board providing everything a carry needs to cap the game to a win.
Revenant Brooch plays up Muertas Pierce the Veil and goes even further with a generous amount of intelligence and additional attack speed and also works on ethereal units.
Pick up an early Blades of Attack to ensure you can last hit during the early-stages of the game where your attack speed is too weak to compete with most off-laners.
The value in Bloodthorn is both its increase in attack speed but also in disabling your opponent, making them unable to cast their abilities. Any physical attacks you and your allies do causes additional damage to be amplified. This allows you tear foes down relatively quickly before the duration of Bloodthorn ends!
With Satanic, you have sufficient damage output but need to remain in fights. Satanic gives you more survivability and works great to capitalize on the damage youre dealing to extend fights long enough for you to win them. The key value is the dispel which helps you avoid being slowed or diminished when you need it most in a fight.
Robe of Magi builds into Power Treads but more importantly, it gives you some quick early damage to last-hit