
Optional Starting Items

First Buy Choices
Boot Choices

Core Build & Options
Extensions & Luxery


Meat Hook




Flesh Heap





+{s:value} Rüstung

{s:value} % Verlangsamung durch Rot

+{s:value} % Zauberlebensraub

+{s:bonus_damage} Schaden mit Meat Hook

+{s:bonus_AbilityChannelTime} s Dauer für Dismember

−{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown} s Abklingzeit für Meat Hook

{s:bonus_dismember_damage}× Schaden/Heilung mit Dismember

{s:bonus_flesh_heap_strength_buff_amount}× Boni für Stärke/Schadenblock durch Flesh Heap

Anmerkungen des Autors

Hook is your bread to your butter with Pudge. You want this maxed as soon as possible. Goes through siege creeps, any type of terrain, trees, wards (Serpent, Plague etc.) and buildings. Invisible units can be hooked. Allies can also be saved by Hook.
You take this level 1 for ganks. Deals Magical type damage. The damage is dealt in 0.2 second intervals. Activate during Dismember for the additional damage. You can deny yourself with this ability. Toggle this as you are last hitting to gurantee the last hit.
This is what makes Pudge a good tank in the later stages of the game. Whenever you directly kill a hero OR a hero dies within a 450 AoE weather or not you assisted, your Flesh Heap counter increases by 1. This STACKS with other spell resistance items (Hood/Cloak).
Pudge's ultimate spell. You'll be using this in combination with Meat Hook and Rot. The stun goes through magical immunity, so use it on important carries who have BKB up!

Anmerkungen des Autors


One of these, possibly two. These are for both regeneration and for cutting trees. A lot of people will dive you, use these to create juke routes.
One of these. This is for a full HP patch up. Use this after taking big damage or surviving a gank.
Two of these give you last hitting power as well as extra stats to survive harass. They build into your Wand.

Optional Starting Items

Sometimes buying these wards early will help you get the early Runes. You can even use it to block the enemy junglers starting camp.
Generally you shouldn`t need this - you will be hooking rarely early levels and focusing on Rot ganks. 1 or possibly 2 of these are fine, but personally you want to rush bottle.
Against a spell spammer atmid, such as Batrider, get one of these.

First Buy Choices

This is a key to a lot of the Pudge gameplay. It supplies you health and mana, rune security and enables ganks. Combine with the crow technique to keep it full without leaving lanes. You should have this by 2-3 minutes.
If you want guranteed kills, an Urn is the way to go. It puts you back a little, but the added 150 or so damage alongside rot more or less promises a kill early game. The heal can be helpful lategame, but generally it can be sold.
Normal boots are priority to ganks. The boots you will actually buy are up to you. Upgrade these after bottle. Read the related section.
Wand is amazing for Pudge. It provides free regen during fights as well as a simple +3 to all stats. Worth the money in the long run.

Boot Choices

You won't have to worry about creeps getting in your way while chasing down a hero, and with these you are guranteed more hits whilst the hero is in Rot range. My personal preference.
The cheapest boots, these are useful for those who roam a lot. The added heal is nice in lane. Personally I prefer Phase Boots for roaming.
The best boots if you can get them quick enough. Buy this is you are rolling in gold early.
Nice for early game HP, but the attack speed is wasted. Not my preference.
If nobody else is getting Arcane, or you find yourself in trouble with mana management, buy these.

Core Build & Options

I usually pick one of these up unless there are plenty of melee on the team. With Flesh Heap at level 4 you have 37% magic resistance, which reduces the damage you do to yourself with Rot to 69.3 damage. With Hood of Defiance you magic resistance is 55.9%, which reduces the Rot damage to about 48.5.
Vanguard is not often picked up by Pudge players because they see the Hood as a better item. I find against melee heavy teams, the block is amazing and the +250hp on early game really pays off. Pick this up against heavy melee teams OR in combination with Hood.

Extensions & Luxery

This can be amazing against certain teams. It negates rot entirely, allows you to chain your ultimate without fear of magical stuns and inclues some solid Pudge stats.
Grab this if you are against massive AOE magical enemies. Sandking, Enigma or Earthshake for example. This will also give you the most HPS of any item outside of Heart.
I pretty much count this as Core for most games, but some people can find it pricey. It provides more stats, sustain when chanelling and makes you scale into the late game.
If you have gold coming from everywhere, a Heart is the best item for Pudge. It enables you to Rot farm non-stop, gives you a ton of regen outside of combat and makes you a true flesh heap.
If you find yourself being focused or burst down, this can be amazing. It completely counter any of those nukes going onto you, and due to your naturally high health, it can actually kill on return damage. Get this item if you are facing heavy DPS heroes, it is very situational, but can pay off.
This gives you mobility to catch up to running enemies, better positioning onto and over terrain and can make for some amazing escapes/ganks.
Against a heavy melee DPS team, this can negate most of their damage. I usually sell my Vanguard for this lategame. This also provies that amazing buff for your carry.
If you don't have the money for any other luxury item, go for this one. The high armor is very beneficial to Pudge, it slows down the enemy team's attack speed passively and it has an active ability which damages enemies for 200 damage and slows their movement speed by 40% in a 719 AoE around Pudge.
Since the item was changed, this can be better than any item for a strength heavy Pudge. Simple put it on who you want to kill, and ultimate them. Do this if you want to shut down a carry. It scales very well with Sceptor.

Andere Gegenstände

One of these early will negate a lot of your Rot damage down to about 55 DPS at max rank. Go into Hood if there are a lot of spellcasters, and further into pipe if needed.