Item Build

Starting Items


Ability Build

Wraithfire Blast


Mortal Strike




Talent Tree

+{s:bonus_vampiric_aura}% Vampiric Spirit Lifesteal

+{s:value} Wraithfire Blast DPS

+{s:value}s Wraithfire Blast Stun Duration

+{s:value} Health

+{s:value}% Cleave

+{s:value} Attack Speed

-{s:value}s Mortal Strike Cooldown

Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blast

Author's Ability Notes

Don't spam this or harass with it, it costs way too much mana, especially early on. Use it if you can get deal heavy damage to or kill an enemy. In a teamfight, you stun whoever is the most dangerous to your team, go in, armlet, and attack fast, and kill them. After that, next person.

Author's Item Notes


The most essential thing for you to deal damage and be effective at fighting, pushing, farming, and generally everything that involves hitting stuff with your sword. Get this before getting phase boots
Extra damage and the phase make this a perfect option for Wraith King. It doesn't let you attack fast, but it does make chasing and escaping much more manageable, especially in the early and mid game.
This is how you're going to be able to farm and attack fast for a decent chunk of the game.
Yes, this is core. If you're able to farm and gank efficiently, you should be able to have this by the 20-23 minute mark. Get the Hyperstone first if you can, since it provides the attack speed that lets you dish out the pain as fast as possible.


Get a Sange and Yasha or a Desolator if someone else is building an Assault Cuirass. The movespeed and attack speed of Sange and Yasha is good for less tanky enemies, while you should get a deso when dealing with a lot of enemy armor.
Get a Sange and Yasha or a Desolator if someone else is building an Assault Cuirass. The movespeed and attack speed of Sange and Yasha is good for less tanky enemies, while you should get a deso when dealing with a lot of enemy armor.
If you find yourself getting ganked a lot or perhaps want to sneak up on people, then this can help a lot. No real need to upgrade it to Silver Edge unless you're getting more farm than you know what to do with.
Best for dealing with evasion heroes, also good if you want to stun-lock your enemies with the mini bash.
If there's an enemy spellcaster who's giving you a lot of problems, this can be really useful.
If your enemies have a lot of spells and stuns, this is an ideal option.


This is a given for attacking fast and clearing creep waves.
This is How2AttackFast! Nuff Said.
By the late game, TP scrolls are more of a hindrance than a help since they don't give full range. These are the replacement for your phase boots and your TP scrolls.