Item Build

Starting Items
Early Game (in order)

Core Items (in order)
Situational Items

supporting items

Ability Build

Bramble Maze


Shadow Realm


Cursed Crown





Talent Tree


+{s:value}s Cursed Crown Stun Duration

-{s:value}s Shadow Realm Cooldown

+{s:value} Bedlam Damage

+{s:value} Cursed Crown AoE

+{s:value}s Shadow Realm Duration

-{s:value}s Bramble Maze CD

Bedlam Pierces Magic Immunity

+{s:bonus_target_count} Bedlam Attack Targets

Author's Ability Notes

This is your most powerful ability, with the new facet system 4 extra brambles now spawn with reduced duration. You can use the AOE preview to aim them better.
Become untargetable and regen for a short time, but AOE spells still hit. Use to initiate, escape, or keep yourself safer during a teamfight.
This stun is rather weak early on, but can easily get a wipe with some coordination and timing. Combine with Euls for an extended disable. Goes crazy with shard.
Treat this like an extra standard ability. Use to clear creep waves and add in a bit of damage to your tanky allies.
This ability really shines when youre behind or losing a fight, remember the short delay before the projectile fires. Can also be used as an extended disable after Euls/Cursed Crown.
+{s:value} Cursed Crown AoE : Extra stun AOE turns this ability from a unit target stun to a disable that can hit the entire enemy team. Always go with this talent.
+{s:value} Bedlam Damage : Dont even think about it.
-{s:value}s Bramble Maze CD : Bramble Maze can now be spammed to your hearts content, combine with Octerine Core and shard for many stun locks on the enemy team.
+{s:value}s Shadow Realm Duration : Nope, get the other one. This can wait.
+{s:bonus_target_count} Bedlam Attack Targets : This talent can qucikly gun down the enemy, use with Shadow Realm for a burst of damage.
Bedlam Pierces Magic Immunity : This talent can also be chosen if the enemy is weak to magical damage. Use with Veil of Discord and Bramble Maze.

Author's Item Notes

Starting Items

Activate as the match starts for an early kill at bounty runes. Then purchase periodically to set up huge ganks.
DWs high cooldowns can be her downfall, so use blood grenades to your advantage early game.
Thank you for using my guide, its my first one so maybe i can help a new player or something, idk

Early Game (in order)

Magic wand supremacy gang
Spam your bramble maze, help your teammates.
Get this as soon as it comes off cooldown, extra brambles stack up with Bramble Maze.

Core Items (in order)

Cast Cursed Crown then IMMEDIATELY Euls them within 1.5 seconds (0.5 with shard). Upon landing the timer will end and youll have an extra long disable.
Staying back and away from the fight turns you from a good support into a GREAT support.
Activate Shadow Realm to help get Blink off cooldown.
Keep those cooldowns low, become the ultimate disbler

Situational Items

DWs Shadow Realm is a great way to escape, keeping you alive to hold a gem.
If you have teammates that shove out tons of magical damage, help them out! Bramble Maze will deal more damage and youll get a bigger smack out of Shadow Realm. Also works with the Terrorize damage talent. Upgrade to Shivas in place of Scythe of Vyse.
You can use rod to root an enemy while Cursed Crown counts down. Good for escape artists like BH, Clinkz, ect.
Aeon Disk can help against roamers and flankers, when the dispel pops use Shadow Realm to get away.
Only if the enemy team needs disabled even more, it generally isnt worth the price
Use if the enemy has disblers like lion, ss, doom.

Other Items

Dont even think about it
I personally like using Phylactery/Khanda when Cursed Crown is dominating. A great way to keep your stun relevant.