Item Build

Starting items
core items on bear

Core items on lone druid
BEAR items after harpoon

if bear is 6 slotted.
best neutrals from each tier (BEAR)

Ability Build

Summon Spirit Bear


Spirit Link


Savage Roar


True Form


Talent Tree


+{s:value} Health

+{s:value} Spirit Bear Movement Speed

-{s:value}s Savage Roar Cooldown

+{s:value} Spirit Bear Armor



-{s:value}s True Form Cooldown


Author's Ability Notes

never tank towers or roshan with your bear after your spirit link is level 4, as your hero is a lot tankier than your bear in terms of sustain. Use your bear to kite around heroes and harass in-lane. its very self explanatory.
Sometimes you want this as early as level 6, but usually you will keep it until level 9. if you feel like you really need the burst of healing from it ( aka youre getting jumped a lot by a storm spirit with a spirit breaker for example ) Then Grab it, otherwise you want to get your Q and W maxed. ALWAYS use this at the start of a fight before you get disabled, it makes you incredibly hard to kill and makes escaping you really hard. this is a really broken ability.
Incredibly strong. a key rule is that with level 2 spirit link at least, aslong as your bear is attacking someone you will be stupidly hard to kill as you will have massive regen. when farming jungle in the early game and you have level 2 link, make sure you let your hero tank the camp as you will heal enough to sustain it very easily. You can tank a lot of harass because this will just heal you back, and if they decide to attack your bear, resummon or tp it back home.
can be used aggressively to buy you time to root or bash a very slippery hero like queen of pain or ember spirit, but you typically want to use it after rooting someone to render them completely useless or chain-cc someone. can be taken at level 4 if you think you might get bursted quickly ( like a shadowfiend match up ) but typically not needed.
+{s:value} Spirit Bear Armor : the armor is amazing. but the CC + attack speed value from the cooldown reduction is way too strong.
-{s:value}s Savage Roar Cooldown : This makes you incredibly hard to kill, and makes you push like a madman.
-{s:value}s True Form Cooldown : makes your ulti have a 10 second downtime, so you can use very very loosely, prevents any danger of you being bursted without ulting.
+{s:value} Spirit Bear Movement Speed : situationally good, in most cases though your bear is outrunning your druid already, so this is unnecessary.
+{s:value} Health : Health is good. prevents you from being bursted before ulting.

Author's Item Notes

Starting items

thats a lot of wood. 6 on your hero, 4 on your bear, then quelling goes on bear.
Helps with last hitting considering how low the bear's damage is in the early game, it's mandatory

core items on bear

ship this in anytime its needed in lane, and after that maintain a tp on the bear at all times for quick heals, only use it when necessary as 100 gold is quite a lot.
attack speed is way too good for this hero, and phase boots aren't necessary because you get catch through harpoon, and you don't have the armor loss from MoM to need the armor from phase boots.
buy after treads. gives great stats, upgrades into a broken item and gives you catch until you buy harpoon. combos well with savage roar to turn into a stun.
the perfect item for lone druid. i don't see a game where you wouldn't buy this.
ship a blood grenade and corrosion by level 5 for kill potential.
buy first and get a bloodnade then go for a kill with level 5.

Core items on lone druid

the only two items you would consider on the hero before the bear is 6 slotted would be brown boots and ghost scepter. although you can just swap boots between bear and druid when needed, so 99% of the time i am not buying brown boots on the hero.
incredibly good if you need a dispel, but can be delayed for other items if that part is not necessary.
THIS IS SITUATIONAL. (yes its in the core items tab im not making a new one for just one item fuck off ) in some situations where youre being focused by an ursa or something you can consider this. but its Really really really situational. most good players just kill your bear.

BEAR items after harpoon

if dispels are needed
a must buy on lone druid, just depending on when you grab it. makes your bear ridiculously hard to escape.
can be bought after harpoon, generally more stats or something with armor is preferred.
can be bought in some games, but not very often because of your universal bear.
buy if they have evasion. if not theres other choices.
only buy if desperate for breaks. the item sucks.
situational if youre being kited all the time. helps you kill someone if you get on top of them.
in some games, the enemy really lacks the physical damage to warrant an assault cuirass buy, and those are my favorite, because you can buy a moonshard instead and become a beast. you kill buildings in 2 seconds with this. its insane. but its situational of course, as in most games you will be buying the ac instead.
this is an obvious one but in many cases your bear will be getting stunned 24/7 so a bkb is very necessary. its something youd rather not buy if you can, but in many cases you really just cant play without it so try to measure that on your own and realize when to buy one.
can be bought for the sake of dealing with illusion heroes, but ideally leave that job for someone else, if that someone else isnt available, then buy it.
its broken so everyone gets it.

if bear is 6 slotted.

Ult, start tping your bear to yourself, blink on the enemy. abyssal them. Theyre dead. go next.
Double abyssal stun. double bash. literally cant move.
in case the enemy can move. make it impossible.
when your bear is 6 or 5 slotted, you can start considering this if the game is really hard and you just need the bear to rat and make space for the team to recover, but generally, you want this from rosh or when bear is 6 slotted and theres no items for ld to buy, for the aghs on the LD, it's not really that useful aside from if your bear is really useless, so you use it on your carry and put all your items from the bear on your main hero. but it's unlikely that will ever happen.
This could be funny because your lone druid will most likely not want boots of travel, those can go on your bear. so this can be nice.
The main idea here is that you can buy any items you want on the lone druid to make him a rightclicking monster.
just turning yourself into a stat-stick so you turn into a bear and hit people hard.
This + moonshard + bear + ulti = you two shot tier 4s and ancient. seriously if you and your bear are 6 slotted with a rapier, just fucking run towards the enemy base with a smoke and hit their ancient it will be over before they even see you.
if your bear is 6 slotted and you dont know what to buy on your hero, Buy a shiva. your hero will be fucking stupidly tanky, you will fuck everyone up in teamfights and your team will love you.

best neutrals from each tier (BEAR)

evasion is cool.
self explanatory.

Other Items

Basic regen, needed for druid with his squishiness. you want to start the game with Tangos, quellling and orb of venom.
combining it with the level 10 talent, you have a huge attack range and with rabid, considerable attack speed which makes it great, in addition the stats help lone druid not die instantly to two nukes. dragon lance and hood of defiance make lone druid quite tanky and hard to kill, especially with savage roar and his bear around, these two items with midas on bear make you Very strong if you get them early enough.
Normally, you don't really want to buy anything for your bear early on as currently, it's not the best strategy. although if you're stomping, you can consider a radiance after your hood/dragon lance. it's also a good idea if you want to focus on ratting and pushing out lanes and don't want to invest in an aghanims.
Mandatory. the attack speed and sustain are both very crucial things on your bear as it really needs the lifesteal. can be swapped for a satanic ultra late-game, but usually it will stay as a MoM for the entirety of your game.
Boots. nothing much to say here, your lone druid should stay with brown boots and only upgrade to BoT when needed to rat, same goes for the bear.
Personal favorite, gives you an escape, makes you even more slippery and gives you more mana to spam rabid without worrying, in addition to some great stats and of course the range that makes your attack range Huge.
if the game goes very late, buy the pipe/vlads/assault cuirass for your team on your hero and be the aura machine unless you already have one of those ( underlord. )
Extreme rat simulator by dominating a catapult, but not a worthy investment in my opinion unless you really, really want to break towers and that's the only thing you care about.
Incredibly good item on bear, makes your kill potential a lot higher, and makes your bear tankier. always get phase boots.
always start with it, builds into desolator.
if the enemy has a hero you need a halberd for ( huskar, lifestealer ) Then get a halberd on your hero after basher, otherwise you don't want to buy halberd.
Another item you can buy on your hero if the game goes ultra late. but let's be real it never fucking will.
you can possibly get this on bear to replace mask of madness but it's not really the best idea. just something if you are literally 12 slotted.
boosts the bears damage a lot and helps with farming too.
can be bought at 25 minutes, its not something i buy a lot. but its useful if you feel like you need the extra armor and dps.
do not take a tier 1 item on your druid in the first phase, only take one item for your bear because if you take 2 you are griefing your teammates. ( your druid can take literally any item from tier 1. but only take one if the 2 bear ones are unavailable. )
The best tier 2 on druid. you are literally unkillable with this its stupid.
T a n k.
Helps against heroes that jump your druid before you can ult and try to burst you down.
THE BEST NEUTRAL ITEM FOR BEAR. in almost every game this has to be on bear because you can literally destroy a barracks in 5 hits with this. it's ridiculously good for you and no one else should have it.
helps with being jumped and bursted before you can ult.
every single one of these neutral items listed is good for druid. force boots being my favorite because you can again, ditch the boots. but fallen sky and mirror shield and arcanist's armor are also very good.
generally you want your position 1 taking this. but if hes useless, just take it from him, fuck that guy.
This is the best tier 2 item for the bear, and you can even keep this through tier 3 items too in some cases, the 40 damage is insane, as you can use this to destroy towers insanely fast with shard + mom.
secure a kill with this and bloodnade. or two kills. or three. it's really good. can also turn it into corrosion after you buy desolator if you want to go all in on tower damage.