Item Build

Starting Items
Early Game

Core Items
End game item build

Ability Build

Arcane Orb


Astral Imprisonment


Essence Flux

Sanity's Eclipse


Talent Tree

+{s:value} Health

+{s:value} Mana

+{s:bonus_AbilityCastRange} Astral Imprisonment Cast Range

+{s:bonus_damage} Astral Imprisonment Damage

+{s:value}% Spell Lifesteal

+{s:value} Sanity's Eclipse Mana Difference Multiplier

+{s:bonus_mana_pool_damage_pct}% Arcane Orb Damage

-{s:value}s Sanity's Eclipse Cooldown

Author's Ability Notes

Get this when your mana pool is 1100 or above, you can leave it on auto cast and statistically not run out of mana. In practive however you can get unlucky. Especially with some Astral Imprisonment casts. Max last since it requires scaling to be truly effective.
Use this whenever you can when you want to win the lane. Use it later to dodge spells (ie. Gyros rocket incoming) or just sap mana from those who are mana hungry (Not storm spirit, but instead a hero like Sven who has no mana to give which makes taking it so much sweeter)
Use this after using Astral Imprisonment. It scales based on intelligence difference so it can absolutely wreck certain heroes but barely scratch others. Use your best judgement when dropping the pain.

Author's Item Notes

Starting Items

Having both a tango and a salve offers great healing options.
Branches are always great as a starting item for their price and their build up into magic wand.
Having both a tango and a salve offers great healing options.

Early Game

Keep it on Strength until casting a spell then toggle, otherwise keep it on strength for survivability until late game when leaving it on Intelligence is fine.
Position and escape with force staff. Great pick up.

Core Items

Great DPS intelligence item. Can help deal with pesky escapers like Rikimaru or Queen of Pain.
Boosts survivability into the late game, get other items first but this item is by no means a substandard pick up. Its intelligence helps boost damage, both orb attacks and ulti.

End game item build

Great item. It gives more lock down with its disable which wins team fights.

Other Items

Extra intelligence for last hitting and casting astral imprisonment. Build into Null Talisman
Get boots, the movespeed helps in getting kills and escaping deaths.
Wand is a great item for its price and ability to save lives, build from the branches purchased at the start
Bottle is optional, Outworld Destroyer cannot contest runes as well as certain other mid heroes.
Build 1 or more depending on how well you did in lane. Build from the Mantle of Intelligence purchased at the start.
Excellent survivability item. Get it if the enemy team has too many disables or nuke heavy. Consider getting before scythe of vyse if you are getting stunned into the ground or they are just heavy on disables.
Great item on Outworld Destroyer, its health gives survivability while its intelligence gives damage. Its cast range is surprisingly far and its slow last a decent duration. Use it to help kite melee heroes or catch up and gank. Very useful