Item Build

Starting Items
Early Game

Core Items
Situational Items


Ability Build

Mist Coil


Aphotic Shield


Curse of Avernus


Borrowed Time


Talent Tree


-{s:bonus_curse_slow}% Curse of Avernus Movement Slow


-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s Borrowed Time Cooldown

+{s:bonus_target_damage} Mist Coil Heal/Damage

+{s:bonus_damage_absorb} Aphotic Shield Barrier Amount

{s:bonus_immolate_damage} DPS Borrowed Time Immolation

-{s:bonus_hit_count} Curse of Avernus Attacks Required

{s:bonus_effect_radius} AoE Mist Coil

Author's Ability Notes

Consistently use Mist Coil to either heal your teammates or deal damage to your enemies. Your goal in the first 7-10 minutes is to secure your carry the lane by healing him and harassing your foes. Be careful about your positioning early on, since the range of the spell is not as high as before.
Aphotic Shield is a great defensive spell that can be used on yourself or allies to block damage and remove debuffs. If you use it on yourself keep in mind you can proc the shield by using Mist Coil without taking damage.
We are only going to max it last since were not going to hit that much as a position 5 Support hero. Helps when youre pushing down towers with your team and you do not need to position yourself (Usually stay behind to save/protect your allies with Mist Coil/Aphotic Shield.)
Keep in mind you can manually activate it. Use Mist Coil during ultimate to increase your HP. Borrowed Time is also a strong Dispel.

Author's Item Notes

Early Game

Arcane boots to sustain yours and your allies mana through fights.
Since you are going to be fighting constantly, Magic Wand is going to enable you to turn and re-engage at key moments, or provide you the HP and mana that can change a fight or skirmish.

Core Items

Constantly use it on your frontlining hero if you want to use it defensively, or on the hero your team is focusing if you want to use it aggressively.
Can be bought as a situational positioning item (save your teammates from certain spells/intiation).
When you are in a fight, press your ultimate if you notice that your teammates are taking a lot of damage. That will heal them up and it might turn the fight since there is a good possibility they wont get bursted.
Good lategame item, so you can have double ultimate for teamfights.

Situational Items

A great item against multiple single target heroes. Use it on your frontlining hero.
A great utility item that provides pushing/more fighting capabilities for your teammates.
Glimmer Cape can be bought instead of Vladimirs Offering if you have another hero on your team going for it. A great saving item especially against multiple heroes with magical damage.
Can be upgraded from Urn of Shadows against specific heroes like Morphling/Huskar/Io/Necrophos/Alchemist/etc. Basically any heroes that rely on healing.
Can be bought instead of Solar Crest if you are playing against multiple heroes with high physical damage or most of the enemy teams damage is physical.
Can be bought instead of Solar Crest if youre playing against multiple heroes with high magical damage or most of the enemy teams damage is magical.
Can be situationally bought if the enemy team has multiple AoE spells and you can take advantage of Blade Mail in combination with Borrowed Time.