Item Build

starting items
Early game

Core items
Situational items

Extension items

Ability Build

Mist Coil


Aphotic Shield


Curse of Avernus


Borrowed Time


Talent Tree


-{s:bonus_curse_slow}% Curse of Avernus Movement Slow


-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s Borrowed Time Cooldown

+{s:bonus_target_damage} Mist Coil Heal/Damage

+{s:bonus_damage_absorb} Aphotic Shield Barrier Amount

{s:bonus_immolate_damage} DPS Borrowed Time Immolation

-{s:bonus_hit_count} Curse of Avernus Attacks Required

{s:bonus_effect_radius} AoE Mist Coil

Author's Ability Notes

Use Mist Coil to: 1. Heal an ally (even if theyre using Black King Bar) 2. Break your Aphotic Shield (takes your HP) 3. Earn HP back when Borrowed Time is active 4. Damage foes who are trying to escape
Aphotic Shield deals its damage regardless if your shielded target takes damage or you cast another shield on top. Use Aphotic Shield to rid slows and other disables. It should be constantly casted to remove stuns, not prioritized to protect against damage, so stack the shields if it means dispelling allies from disables.
Works on towers, creeps and heroes. During the mid-game, you can rely on Curse of the Avernus to entrap enemies who dont have any escape abilities to ensure your team can stack damage on them through the bonus attack speed. Dont focus on applying Curse of the Avernus if it costs you your positioning and use of your other abilities.
Be careful about this ability as it does not activate if nuked down from a certain current health to 0. Can be activated manually even if stunned. Auto-passive cast disabled when Break debuff applied. This is your safety net, not initiation, so start backing up if you are unsure you can escape after Borrowed Time runs out.

Author's Item Notes

starting items

Iron Branch can be placed on the ground to then be consumed by your tangos for additional healing.

Early game

An early Ring of Basilius relives mana management on your side but can also provide additional mana for your teammates if you have an especially aggressive lane with great early-game abilities.

Core items

Arcane Boots is most importantly used to give you the necessary mana to heavy use your spells and abilities. Consider disassembling them (right-click on the item and select disassemble) if youre building towards major items like Aether Lens or other. This will hasten your timing in reaching those items which should preserve your mana-pool sufficiently from there on.
Opt for Magic Stick early if the enemy spam a lot of spells or you’ll be in the lane significantly. Magic Wand can be bought as early as before Boots of Speed or as late as after your core Boots upgrade depending on how the enemy and their spell usage. Magic Wand can also be bought to make room for other items due to limited space.
Amplify the heal you send out with Mist Coil, this will also improve how much life you lose when you have your ultimate active, meaning your Aphotic Shield will break earlier or you regain life while your ultimate is active. Disassemble your Arcane Boots to make this.
Aghanims Scepter makes fights incredibly annoying as your ultimates duration is significantly increased but also makes your allies almost invulnerable with the amount of healing youll output with Mist Coil. Whether a Core or Support Abaddon, Aghs Scepter can be a life-saving ability against AoE-damaging opponents or those trapped in big stuns like Chronosphere.

Situational items

The value of Force Staff is multiple. You can use it as a pseudo-blink if youre a support hero to jump into fights to save an ally with Aphotic Shield. It can also be used to pull an ally away after being engaged or initiated on. This can force enemies to have to commit harder for a kill than they want to.
A Solar Crest not only gives you a larger mana-pool in the early-game to help alleviate harassment with your spells but it also provides strong armor, attack speed, movement speed and a barrier to protect your ally who can then initiate or gank someone with all that value. You can also apply Solar Crest on yourself for additional protection to make enemies you gank harder to fight back with you without losing or taking significant damage.
Pipe of Insight provides your team with better sustainability against tough magic casters and carries that can wipe your team up incredibly fast if theyre frail to magic types.
Boots of Bearing makes initiating easier for you. Boots of Bearing should be used liberally to give your team incredible movement speed to engage the enemy after initiation or, if necessary, as an escape if you find you or your teammates are in trouble. Your Boots will recharge, so don’t worry about running out.

Extension items

The Appeal of Aghs Shard is in its offensive enhancement to deal your naturally gained damage, as an universal attribute hero, without the risk of you being at a close position to attack. To add, it also applies effects like your Curse of Avernus through your Mist Coil range.
Among the best Vlad's Offering holders out there due to his tankiness and the the aura he offers. Vladmir's Offering also lets you farm comfortably so you can get your next core item and gives you necessary mana regeneration to afford your abilities consistently.
Jump on enemies to immediately hit them with your Curse of the Avernus, making their attempts at running away much harder.
Octarine Core mixed with your talent cooldown % and your ultimate (with Aghanims Scepter) will make you nearly unstoppable and very difficult to kill.

Other Items

Abaddon is great gem holder generally because he is difficult to kill and is always in the center of fights.
Assault Cuirass not only diminishes the armor of your opponents so you can keep on destroying them with your attack and Curse of the Avernus slow, you also increase the timing in which your opponents will be silenced by your passive due to how much faster youll stack your attacks.
Shivas Guard is an all-around strong item that enables your hero to farm more quickly, slow opponents to deter them from fighting or to massively damage illusions as well as deter lifesteal and regeneration gains from high-surviving enemies. For Abaddon, Shivas Guard not only gives him additional damage as a universal attribute hero, but synergizes well in causing enemies to take more damage, give him more armor to survive and slows them so you can catch them and apply Curse of the Avernus on your target.
In addition to the stats of Lotus Orb, the dispel from it means you can double-up your dispels with Aphotic Shield on multiple allies. Evidently, the re-casting of targeted spells back to the caster is a bonus that makes Lotus Orb all the more appealing.
More strength, more movement speed, a bit of intelligence. All things Abaddon thrives off of and get bolster his team's mobility while also surviving longer! If in a pushing line-up, Drums of Endurance can be immense to your goals. The aura on Abaddon is a benefit regardless.
Due to the tankiness of Abaddon, Heavens Halberd adds further strength to it, but also includes evasion; making Abaddon last more, can divulge more life to healing allies and ultimately become more impactful in fights without fear of death.
Abaddon is an especially tanky hero with his Aphotic Shield and ultimate ability, making his presence all the more annoying in fights. Radiance puts more pressure on your presence, burning enemies overtime. Disassemble to make Butterfly, Divine Rapier and Nullifier later in the game.
Spirit Vessel provides additional life and movement speed which allows Abaddon to weave in on fights and back when he just wants to support. Spirit Vessel is especially useful against heavier/fatter heroes that have a lot of HP and survivability as the damage scales by % to their health.
Combine with Curse of the Avernus for additional slow potential.
Combined with Curse of the Avernus lets you stay on top of enemies. Also helps with positioning to maximize your ability range without putting yourself in danger. Abaddon generally has plenty of health but may lack armor and damage as a follow-through for all his attack speed gained through Curse of the Avernus.
If you're relying more on your abilities and early-game involvement, Soul Ring can be a useful tool for immediate health. Especially useful versus mana-burn users like Diffusal Blade or Anti-Mage
On top of your Aphotic Shield, Crimson Guard provides additional defense against heavy physical teams and carries like Phantom Lancer and his illusions.
After you disassemble your Arcane Boots, you need to build new boots to help with your positioning so you can move in on fights when youre most needed and stay out of fights when big initiations will occur.
Glimmer Cape can be used both for you or for an ally to ensure they survive against targeted big spell abilities. The goal of Glimmer is to reduce the damage your ally is taking and to disconnect the enemy’s from targeting your ally for future attacks such as follow-ups after a stun.
For many supports, opt for Infused Raindrops for cheap mana regeneration until you can get your larger mana-leaning item. Infused Raindrops also helps a lot versus nuking abilities that would typically wipe you out.
Additional cast range for Mist Coil and Aphotic Shield if positioning is a challenge for you.
Nullifier is a key item for you late-game: it dispels your target. Especially useful against enemies that rely on key passive abilities or items like Ghost Scepter, Euls and Glimmer to have them nullified against you. Hero passive abilities like Windrangers Windrun and Monkey Kings Jingu Mastery are also nullified by Nullifier.
Eye of Skadi is great at the end-game to take down high health targets, strong rivaling physical carries by slowing their attack speed and also prevent enemies from fleeing with your movement slow debuff. It provides stats across the board providing everything a carry needs to cap the game to a win. Since Abaddon is a universal attribute hero, he really gains a lot more damage by picking up Eye of Skadi
Manta Style should help remove any slows or disables that can prevent you from staying on top of your enemies without needing to pop your ultimate to dispel annoyances. Furthermore, the extra movement speed will help the otherwise slow Abaddon and the Curse of Avernus effect means your illusions also gain additional attack speed.
With Curse of the Avernus increasing your attack speed and slowing your foe, the likelihood theyll get bashed for extra damage increases significantly.
Abaddon doesnt farm particularly well in the mid-game beyond using his Aphotic Shield which eats up a lot of mana. Midas increases your attack speed to help farm a bit more and evidently provides you an influx of experience and gold to help you reach those higher items and talents.
Late in the game, Scythe of Vyse solves all your mana issues but more importantly guarantees to lock enemies down before they can even pop BKB. Its a great initiating tool when you know the enemy relies on BKB to safely output their damage.
An early bracer increases your survivability in the lane versus key magic heroes that harass you.
Rely on Harpoon as either your initiating ability to get enemies close or to keep them in-range should they find a way to escape. Heads-up that it pulls both you and the target and you must select the target so no skills required to Harpoon enemies.
Echo Sabre provides everything Abaddon wants on top of helping the hero reach his Curse of the Avernus silence pop with quick stacks.
Early Wraith Band is to not only to help you last-hit, as the hero is a Universal attribute hero, so he gets damage with any stats he picks up. More importantly, Wraith Band gives you additional armor to survive against harassment.
Combined with Abaddon's Curse of the Avernus, you are massively slowly opponents early on in the game. Having the orb means its easier to initially slow opponents to eventually have Curse of the Avernus proc. on the enemy for silence and damage-over-time.
Mage Slayer provides both great initial protection against spell casters but also mixes up your damage to be both physical as well as magic damage-over-time. To add, anyone you attack will deal less spell damage, furthering this item as a great offensive purchase for core heroes given the item also gives increased mana pool for your own spells and attack speed to boot.
Abyssal Blade takes the attack speed you gain from Curse of the Avernus and turns it into a key way to hold down enemies especially when they use Black King Bar or are especially slippery and can escape with ease.
Usually Aphotic Shield should be enough to dispel debuffs against you. If not, items like Manta Style can also help with ridding debuffs. However, for persistent debuffs or you just find yourself constantly prevented from engaging onto your enemy, Black King Bar can be a justified pick-up
Monkey King Bar is ideal for heroes who need additional attack speed and its great versus evasive heroes either via Butterfly, passive abilities that cause you to miss attacks. The Pierce effect also means a mix-up in damage, especially strong against enemies who have high armor (Dragon Knight, AGI carries) that can outlast your physical damage output.
The value in Bloodthorn is both its increase in attack speed but also in disabling your opponent, making them unable to cast their abilities. Any physical attacks you and your allies do causes additional damage to be amplified. This allows you tear foes down relatively quickly before the duration of Bloodthorn ends!