Configuração de itens

Itens iniciais
Itens básicos

Itens essenciais
Never gonna let u down

I'm always gonna build you up


Configuração de habilidades



Atirar na Cabeça


Melhorar Mira




Talent Tree


+{s:value}% de retardo de mov. para Estilhaços

+{s:bonus_damage} de dano para Atirar na Cabeça

+{s:value} de velocidade de ataque

+{s:value}s de duração para Melhorar Mira


+{s:value} de alcance de ataque

+{s:value} cargas de Estilhaços

+{s:bonus_knockback_distance} de distância p/ arremesso de Atirar na Cabeça

Observações do autor

This is your main ability. Use it in the lane, when enemies come to close or as a catch - but try to avoid creeps being in the AoE. When you TP, make sure you have atleast 1 Shrapnel charge up.
This is a perfect little annoying thing. Skill this so your right-click lane harass may plague the enemies :)
Play on range with your enemies, always. Active is for sniping enemy couriers and great for that neat lucky headshot, when an enemy tries to run.
Costs a lot of mana, but great for high-ground defense as a nuke harass with minimal lockdown. Spam it as often as u can, so your piss your enemies off.
+{s:value} cargas de Estilhaços : You want Shrapnel charges, because you maxed out on them!? Remeber dmg areas do not stack :P
+{s:value}% de retardo de mov. para Estilhaços : Make Shrapnel more aids!

Observações do autor

Itens iniciais

Offlane ward. Or maybe it is for your mid?... ward where the enemy does not expect you to, do some unreligious shit and be the Martin Luther of DotA ;)
Make da right click more clicky! Press it when you are in trouble.
Make yourself more mobile! Sell it later.
what the fuck is this even?

Itens básicos

boots are brown, sandwich is fat, gaben lets down, rain another set (untradeable, unmarketable)

Itens essenciais

Phase boots are cool. They look legit. Many wear them.
waow you can repositon yourself. not even cliffs can hinder you! Rush this vs Slark, MK, Sky, SK and maybe Ursa. Make sure Pos 4 and 5 coordinates their item buys. (buy different items but both can have same later)
Glimmer teammates to avoid high magical dmg (and to save them). Glimmer urself to reposition!

Never gonna let u down

They just can't give you up? This is not gonna build you up, but you survive longer. Enemy hate u = get item plox
More attack speed, better stats, longer range. Your weapon is almost at full cock. also just that extra bit of surviveability!
1,8s lockdown 3000 Range and sniper only plays 1s with the cock. make them standing looking like dumbsh*ts staring in the puddle of their own destiny
Tell your team to use a smoke of dong! Also good to ward, but do this rarely and efficiently!
Rarely is good on you, because u play outside the action. but it's a support thing :/

I'm always gonna build you up

deward and sentry your chokepoints and base or against certain invis items/heroes.


Octa Core. Get Rid-of-Cooldowns. When you have this item, the game should already be in complete cancer stage. GL HF (to the enemy)
Great when your team needs tp or ult (pango) cancel, great lockdown after all, and with cd reduction richtich lekker it's pricy, isn't it?
Late game. Finally take control of all units which try to run towards or away from you. Filthy peasants!
maybe blink, maybe not....

Outros itens

Recommended for really late games, when you are required to step in as a physical damage core Great for high-ground defense.
Your Team lacks physical dmg? buy this. (after your first support core item) You can also easily push and defend with tesla bzz
gives nothing to the team pls do not buy this...
Always stay friendly :) There is a 97% chance that someone is already tilted because you chose to pick sniper support.
<magic dmg="block" />