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The Summer Client Update
New Armory, New Player Behavior System, and New Rendering Features
Includes the 2023 Collector's Cache
A Brand-New Armory
The Armory Is Now Your One-Stop Shop For Every Cosmetic Item In Dota.
One of the side effects of a game with ten years worth of new features and interfaces is... well, sometimes things can get a little complicated. So we’ve created a simplified single interface for everything it’s possible to do with items, from buying and selling to previewing and equipping.
Browse Things You Own... Discover Things You Don't
Browse through every cosmetic item available to a hero, even if you don’t own them. Easily equip items you already own through the browsing interface.
Demo Item Combos
While in Demo Hero Mode, mix and match cosmetic items on a hero whether you own them or not, and create highly customized ensembles.
Reworked Global Item Sections
Easily find and equip non-hero cosmetics like couriers, wards and Roshan replacements.
Automatic Item Highlighter
Delve into individual set pieces using the new item highlighter.
Stack Duplicates
Duplicates of items you already own now get bundled in the same slot, instead of taking up redundant slots in your inventory.
Sort By Market Value
In the All Items category, sort your entire inventory by current market value.
Collector's Cache
Now Available In The Armory
Browse new Collector’s Cache items in the Featured section of the Armory.
Purchase Now
Player Behavior
Making Dota A Better Place To Play, Together
It might seem obvious, but the best games of Dota are the ones where you get to play with a team of people working together, against another team of people working together against you. A Dota game at its worst is the opposite: teammates fighting you instead of the enemy, or enemies picking a fight through chat messages rather than well-timed abilities.

There's no other way to put it: Playing Dota with malicious or toxic people can ruin what would have been a great match. So we’re introducing some new player behavior features to make sure you have more of the good experiences and fewer of the bad. With that in mind, let's break down the improvements below.
Personalized Matchmaking
Before, a player could commend other players in the post-game, but that commendation wouldn’t affect future matchmaking. Now, any player you commend will be more likely to show up in your future matches, either on your team or the enemy side.

Additionally, we’ve added a “Dislike” button that will ensure players you’d prefer not to play with, for whatever reason, are less likely to show up in future matches.
New Reporting System
There can be a big difference between players you'd prefer not to play with, and players who are outright toxic. Dota’s new reporting system will let you report Toxic Chat, Toxic Voice, Smurfing, Griefing, Cheating and Role Abuse.

All reports automatically take into consideration a wide range of supporting hard data: a Griefing report knows whether someone destroyed their items, and a Smurfing report looks at both gameplay and account properties.

Players can now report toxic behavior at any time during and after the game. The new reporting system also removes the cap on the number of reports you can submit, and now allows you to report toxicity on either team. This new volume of reporting data will give us more confidence in taking action against bad actors, as well as identifying and ignoring spurious reporters.
Recognizing Good Reports
The only thing worse than having a bad in-game experience with someone is knowing they're still out there afterwards, ruining games for other players. Our new system was built from the ground up to make sure we can connect actions with consequences — not only for bad actors but also for good ones — so whenever your reports result in us taking action against a player, we'll let you know your report was successful and who was punished.
Real-Time Processing of Toxic Chat
When a player reports someone for toxic chat through the in-game scoreboard, that chat will be analyzed in real-time. If the text is determined to be toxic, the offending player will have their voice and chat muted for all players immediately, and for the remainder of the game.

They will still be able to use pings, alt-clicks and pre-set chat wheels, but with a throttle — the offending player will be text and voice muted, and all other communication will be on a thirty-second cooldown.
Behavior and Communication Scores
Every player already has a behavior score, a number between 0 and 10,000 which reflects the quality of your actions in-game. Players will now also have a communication score, which reflects the quality of their in-game chat and speech interactions. Current behavior scores carry over into the new system, but the cap for both new behavior score and communication score has increased to 12,000.

Before, a player’s behavior score only affected who they got matched with. Now, it will also affect the features they’ll have access to, such as post-game item drops, game pausing, and ranked play. Likewise, communication score will affect pinging ally abilities, coaching, tipping, text and voice chat. If a communication score gets low enough, that player will be text and voice muted, and all other communication will be on a thirty-second cooldown.
Going Forward
Because this system is going to rely on accruing a large amount of data, it’s obviously going to get more accurate over time. This means that, at least at the outset of these changes, we’ll likely be more conservative in the actions we take.

We will always act on the data we have the most confidence in; we hope you’ll be patient with us while we build that confidence, and your trust.
Updated Map Rendering
We’ve done a bunch of work to make the game look better, and we can’t wait to describe how much better it looks with thousands of words. No, we’re just kidding. Take a look at the sliders below.
Particle Lighting
Particle lights now show more clearly on terrain and heroes, and lights have been added to new sources like tower attacks
Clouds will once again cast shadows, and sun shadows are now higher resolution
Tone Mapping
Contrast has been increased in darker map regions
No changes
Particle Lighting
Tone Mapping
Bringing It All Together
Add all that up and the difference is easy to see
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