Arcana-bundt til Windranger
Oplås ved level 575
Mystikken omkring hendes fødsel har altid fortryllet Lyralei og hendes adoptivfamilie.
But as she grew, and her strange connection with the guardian wind became ever stronger, an unease about her origins began to take hold. And though she thought to run from it, her headlong path led only to the discovery of a difficult truth — that her village and blood kin had been destroyed by wind elementals on a night of righteous reckoning, and that such destruction was necessary to reclaim her as one of their own.
With Fixated Focus
A flurry of arrows takes down Windranger’s foes at an unflagging pace. Caught unaware, there is no escape from her Focus Fire and the relentless volley unleashed from Windranger’s bow. Bear witness to your accumulated damage, delivering limitless arrows from Windranger’s infinite quiver, ultimately unlocking a second Arcana style: Reflections of the Gale.
Oplåselig sekundær stil
Reflections of the Gale
Windranger er hidkaldt af forandringens vind og udnytter skovens sjæl til at bringe undergang til sine fjender.
Kill enemies with Focus Fire and rack up 2,500,000 in damage to unlock the Reflections of the Gale alternate style for this Arcana, featuring an autumnal color theme for its model and effects.
Arcana indeholder:
Ny model, ny piedestal og nye genstande
Windranger's entire model, items, and loadout pedestal have transformed to evoke the power of the guardian wind.
Tilpassede animationer og effekter
Features an all-new animation set, sound effects, Focus Fire damage counter, a custom-designed channel bar, new ambient wind effects for both styles, additions to base and Immortal effects for her abilities, and new death effects for both Windranger and enemy heroes she takes down.
Arcana-eksklusive helteelementer
Inkluderer et helt nyt helteportræt, evneikoner og et minikortikon.
Ikoner og animationer til Eul's Scepter og Force Staff
500+ nye Arcana-eksklusive heltereplikker
Klik for at afspille
Oplåselig sekundær stil
Opnå 2.500.000 skade ved hjælp af Focus Fire-drab for at oplåse den alternative stil Reflections of the Gale.
Tilpasset kanaliseringsbar
Indlæsningsskærm og skrivebordsbaggrund
Oplås ved level 575