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Oplås ved level 445
Gør plads for din dronning
Akasha har længe været tilfreds med at udforske de dødeliges rige, men nu vender hun tilbage til Court of Ristul, hvor hendes stjerne er falmet med tiden. Men dronningen oppefra agter også at gøre krav på tronen nedefra. Akasha har slået en handel af med en forvist dæmon, som har givet hende ny magt, så hun nu omsider kan sætte sine djævelske planer i værk.
Exquisite Agony on Display
Akasha excels at torment, and nothing dominates her foes en masse like the perfect Sonic Wave. With the addition of a special toast, now the Queen can celebrate each target punished by a single wave. Turn up the decibel level and the suffering by hitting as many enemies as possible with each ultimate to push the pain meter to the max.
Oplåselig sekundær stil
Royal Decree
As her influence in Ristul grows, the Queen can change her form at will.
Torment 1000 enemies with Sonic Wave in victories to unlock the Royal Decree alternate style for this Arcana, featuring a variant color theme for its model and effects.
Arcana indeholder:
Helt ny model, piedestal og nye genstande
Queen of Pain's entire model, items, and loadout pedestal have been fittingly redesigned to reflect the power of true demon royalty that she has gained in her bargain.
Tilpassede animationer og effekter
Features an all-new animation set, sound effects, Sonic Wave counter, new Sonic Wave and Blink, a custom deny effect, new ambient effects for both styles, and a custom whip melee attack animation and effect when in range.
Tilpassede helteelementer
Inkluderer et helt nyt helteportræt, evneikoner og et minikortikon.
500+ nye Arcana-eksklusive heltereplikker
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Oplåselig sekundær stil
Torment 1000 enemies with Sonic Wave in victories to unlock the Royal Decree alternate style.
Learn about the history of the Eminence of Ristul:
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Oplås ved level 445